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PaPPUS presented at 2 conferences in the Czech Republic


By UPOL, Czech Republic

13.-14. 10. 2020

Palacký University, Olomouc, Faculty of Pedagogy

International On-line Conference 8th. Olomouc´s Special Pedagogy Days included two conferences:

XXI. international conference on the issue of people with special needs

VIII. conference of young researchers

Olomouc PAPPUS team present two topics:

1) Children´s acces to play in school: adaptation of British model (Škola přátelská dětské hře: adaptace britského modelu do českého prostředí)

Authors: Klimešová, I. Hoffmannová, J., Šebek, L., Wittmannová, J.

Presenter: Iva Klimešová

2) PAPPUS: rozsévání myšlenek učení se a hraní venku v rámci běžné školní výuky - Pojďme se učit ven! (PAPPUS: sowing ideas for learning and playing outside at school – Let´s learn outdoor!

Authors: Wittmannová, J., Klimešová, I., Jakubec, A.

Presenter: Julie Wittmannová

Audience of each presentation on-line was about 50 persons; all the presentations are still available on-line.

Listeners found the topics very interesting and were asking questions!

5. 11. 2020

5th International Scientific Conference "MOVEMENT AND EXPERIENCE IN A MULTI-BRANCH CONCEPT" Prague, University Palestra (on-line)

Olomouc PAPPUS team present topic:

PAPPUS: Teaching outdoor

Authors: Julie Wittmannová, Iva Klimešová, Aleš Jakubec

Presenter: Julie Wittmannova


The paper introduces the content and expected outcomes of a three-year international project involving Palacky University in Olomouc, represented by the Faculty of Physical Culture (FTK), since September 2019. This EU-funded project called PAPPUS, fully entitled “Plants and Play Producing Universal Skills“, Is focused on adapting the existing British model of teaching outdoor to suit the conditions of selected European countries that participate in the project.

The project partners are the University of Gloucestershire and the educational organization Play Learning Life from England; also, the educational organization Gedania 1922 from Poland, Tandem from Slovakia, the organization for social research and education (GeSoB) from Austria, and the Rogers Association from Hungary. With its ideas, PAPPUS builds on and expands already completed or ending projects with the theme of the play, implemented at FTK UP (VIPER and CAPS).

The target group is pupils of the primary and secondary school levels and project content extends to all educational areas defined according to The Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education. The content of PAPPUS is based on living and inanimate nature. It includes, among other things, playful gardening and botany, which can be used to acquire a number of skills and competencies for responsible environmental behavior.

The key outputs of the project will be methodological cards and supporting materials for teaching pupils in the outdoor environment, training materials and implemented training of teachers, pilot verification of the model in selected schools.

During the first phase of the project, the British outdoor teaching model was adapted to the conditions of the partner countries within the framework of the created national adaptation plans, and work on training materials began. For the application of the adapted model to the Czech environment, we will use the already existing example of good practice – a pilot school involved in the CAPS project and the experience of leaders of the pedagogical “movement” Learning Outside.

The project implements innovative practice in the school (in our country 1st and 2nd grade of elementary school; afterschool clubs) and out-of-school environment (clubs for socially disadvantaged children, children with difficulties in the educational process; organization of environmental education etc.).

Key words: outdoor education, outdoor, playwork, freely chosen play, health.

Grant affiliation: Erasmus +, KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for the Field of Education supporting Innovation. Project number: 2019-1-UK01-KA201-061967 Plants and Play Producing Universal Skills



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